台灣2歲童「王昊」被虐殺事件的英文版報導(Hao Wang was crucified to death)

Maybe you have watched the cruel news, we just hope we can do something for this boy and his family. Do you have any friend working in medium, who can interview and report the cruel story in international medium. Our aim is to push our government to modify some laws for protecting our children.
Here in Taiwan, a 2.5-year-old boy (Hao Wang) was crucified to death within 21 days by his mother’s partner and 3 of his friends. If you feel strange for the word “crucify” I used, please see the pictures in the attachments. This was happened in October of 2011. Within the 21 days, they fed him rice wine, amphetamine, and even heroin to make him quite. They used a pliers to pull the child’s nails, hung the boy and beat him fiercely, broke his nose bone and head by a hammer, burnt the bottom of his feet and even needled him with burnt steel pins … In the 21st day, the child agonizingly screamed and died. Then they dropped the child’s body in hospital and left.